Month: January 2024

Is your employer failing to pay you overtime? Is your employer refusing to pay you overtime for hours worked in the state of Florida? This practice may violate wage laws, and you may be entitled to compensation for the wages you’ve lost.   Table of Contents Florida overtime laws What if my employer doesn’t pay […]

So, I answer a fair amount of questions on legal question boards as my way of giving back to the community and helping out people who have questions about what is happening in their workplace. It makes me feel good to provide quick and simple guidance at no cost for people who usually do not […]

As an employee you undoubtedly hope that your employer is honest, fair, and in compliance with all state and federal laws. Unfortunately, not all employers fit that description. Though most employers obey the law and provide a safe workplace for employees, there are employers that intentionally skirt the law or outright break the law. Understandably, […]

In the United States, tipping is big business. In certain service industries, it is customary to receive fairly significant tips from clients or customers. In fact, in some jobs tips are counted on as income by the workers as well as factored into an employees pay by employers. While employers often pay tipped employees less […]

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How many employees work for your company (within 75 miles)?
Do you work for the U.S. government or a governmental agency?
Have You Signed a separation agreement waiving your rights (prohibiting you suing)?
Do you feel you were discriminated against?