Month: June 2024

In 2009, the Department of Labor amended its regulations and required employers to provide individual FMLA notices to employees regarding their eligibility and rights under the FMLA (Notice of Eligibility and Rights & Responsibilities) and to what extent and how long each employee is entitled to FMLA  (Designation Notice).   Therefore, simply putting FMLA rights language in a handbook does […]

Employment Discrimination in Florida: Should I File a Complaint or a Lawsuit from Richard Celler Since the CRA was passed a number of other federal laws have also been passed that prohibit various types of employment discrimination. Learn more about Employment Discrimination in Florida in this presentation.  

Are You Protected Against Disability Discrimination in the Workplace? from Richard Celler Disability discrimination may occur in all aspects of employment, such as. Learn more about Disability Discrimination in this presentation.  

FREE Case Evaluation

100% Confidential - No Obligation Case Review
What Employment Issue Are You Facing?
Are you currently working with an attorney?
How many employees work for your company (within 75 miles)?
Do you work for the U.S. government or a governmental agency?
Have You Signed a separation agreement waiving your rights (prohibiting you suing)?
Do you feel you were discriminated against?