Month: July 2024

How to prove workplace retaliation? The biggest obstacle to proving retaliation comes in the form of employees not documenting, documenting, documenting. You would be amazed how many companies can make documentation “disappear.”  Continue to document in a personal journal and through HR any way in which your work environment has changed since you first lodged […]

No matter how responsible and dedicated you may be to your job, medical and family emergencies do come up from time to time and may cause you to miss work. Fortunately, in the United States, the Family and Medical Leave Act, or FMLA, may allow you to take the time off work you need without […]

In the United States there are a variety of state and federal laws aimed at preventing discrimination in the workplace. As a result, the discriminatory employment practices that were once widespread in the U.S. have decreased significantly over the last several decades, though employment discrimination does still occur. It does not, however, occur without consequences. […]

No one should have to worry about harassment, of any kind, in the workplace. Unfortunately, however, many people do. Despite laws making sexual harassment in the workplace illegal, it continues to occur across the United States. As a victim, what should you do if you feel like you have been sexually harassed at work? For […]

In the United States, both federal and state laws protect covered workers from being paid an unfair wage and/or from working too many hours each week without being fairly compensated. Most employers abide by the wage and overtime laws; however, some employers try and get around the laws or blatantly ignore the law. If your […]

“I Was Fired for Not Sleeping with My Boss. Is This Legal?” For many people that may seem like an easy enough question to answer; however, not all that long ago in the United States sexual harassment in the workplace was fairly common and relatively well accepted as something employees (mainly women) had to put […]

Sexual harassment in the workplace takes two forms. Quid pro quo harassment is the type of harassment that most people are familiar with and it involves a boss or supervisor trying to trade sexual favors for job benefits.  The second type of harassment may be just as likely to occur, if not more so, but […]

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How many employees work for your company (within 75 miles)?
Do you work for the U.S. government or a governmental agency?
Have You Signed a separation agreement waiving your rights (prohibiting you suing)?
Do you feel you were discriminated against?